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Publikationer 2022


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Alberti, C., Hase, F., Frey, M., Dubravica, D., Blumenstock, T., Dehn, A., Castracane, P., Surawicz, G., Harig, R., Baier, B. C., Bes, C., Bi, J., Boesch, H., Butz, A., Cai, Z., Chen, J., Crowell, S. M., Deutscher, N. M., Ene, D., Franklin, J. E., Garcia, O., Griffith, D., Grouiez, B., Grutter, M., Hamdouni, A., Houweling, S., Humpage, N., Jacobs, N., Jeong, S., Joly, L., Jones, N. B., Jouglet, D., Kivi, R., Kleinschek, R., Lopez, M., Medeiros, D. J., Morino, I., Mostafavipak, N., Muller, A., Ohyama, H., Palmer, P. I., Pathakoti, M., Pollard, D. F., Raffalski, U., Ramonet, M., Ramsay, R., Sha, M. K., Shiomi, K., Simpson, W., Stremme, W., Sun, Y., Tanimoto, H., Te, Y., Tsidu, G. M., Velazco, V. A., Vogel, F., Watanabe, M., Wei, C., Wunch, D., Yamasoe, M., Zhang, L., Orphal, J. Improved calibration procedures for the EM27/SUN spectrometers of the COllaborative Carbon Column Observing Network (COCCON), ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES, 15, 8, 2433, 2463, doi:10.5194/amt-15-2433-2022, 2022.

Alho, M., Battarbee, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Khotyaintsev, Y. V., Nakamura, R., Cozzani, G., Ganse, U., Turc, L., Johlander, A., Horaites, K., Tarvus, V., Zhou, H., Grandin, M., Dubart, M., Papadakis, K., Suni, J., George, H., Bussov, M., Palmroth, M. Electron Signatures of Reconnection in a Global eVlasiator Simulation, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 49, 14, e2022GL098329, 10.1029/2022GL098329, 2022.

Alqeeq, S. W., Le Contel, O., Canu, P., Retino, A., Chust, T., Mirioni, L., Richard, L., Ait-Si-Ahmed, Y., Alexandrova, A., Chuvatin, A., Ahmadi, N., Baraka, S. M., Nakamura, R., Wilder, F. D., Gershman, D. J., Lindqvist, P. A., Khotyaintsev, Y. V., Ergun, R. E., Burch, J. L., Torbert, R. B., Russell, C. T., Magnes, W., Strangeway, R. J., Bromund, K. R., Wei, H., Plaschke, F., Anderson, B. J., Giles, B. L., Fuselier, S. A., Saito, Y., Lavraud, B. Investigation of the homogeneity of energy conversion processes at dipolarization fronts from MMS measurements, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 29, 1, 012906, doi:10.1063/5.0069432, 2022.

André, M . Space Physics: The Need for a Wider Perspective, FRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES, 9, 937742, doi:10.3389/fspas.2022.937742, 2022.

Behar, E., Fatemi, S., Henri, P., Holmström, M. Menura: a code for simulating the interaction between a turbulent solar wind and solar system bodies, ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE, 40, 3, 281, 297, doi:10.5194/angeo-40-281-2022, 2022.

Benella, S., Stumpo, M., Consolini, G., Alberti, T., Laurenza, M., Yordanova, E. Kramers-Moyal analysis of interplanetary magnetic field fluctuations at sub-ion scales, RENDICONTI LINCEI-SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI, doi:10.1007/s12210-022-01108-2, 2022.

Beth, A., Gunell, H., Simon Wedlund, C., Goetz, C., Nilsson , H., Hamrin, M. First Investigation of the Diamagnetic Cavity Boundary Layer with a 1D3V PIC Simulation, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, v. 667, A143, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202243209, 2022.

Bird, E. J., Lees, J. M., Kero, J., Bowman, D. C. Topographically Scattered Infrasound Waves Obeserved on Microbarometer Arrays in the Lower Stratosphere, EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE, 9, 4, e2022EA002226, doi:10.1029/2022EA002226, 2022.

Carbone, F., Alberti, T., Faranda, D., Telloni, D., Consolini, G., & Sorriso-Valvo, L., Local dimensionality and inverse persistence analysis of atmospheric turbulence in the stable boundary layer, Physical Review E, 106, 064211, doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.106.064211, 2022.

Carbone, F., Telloni, D., Yordanova, E., Sorriso-Valvo, L. Modulation of Solar Wind Impact on the Earth’s Magnetosphere during the Solar Cycle, UNIVERSE, 8, 6, 330, doi:10.3390/universe8060330, 2022.

Carbone, F., Telloni, D., Zank, G., Sorriso-Valvo, L. Chaotic advection and particle pairs diffusion in a low-dimensional truncation of two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics, EPL, 138, 5, 53001 doi:10.1209/0295-5075/ac7250, 2022.

Catapano, F., Buchert, S., Qamili, E., Nilsson, T., Bouffard, J., Siemes, C., Coco, I., D’Amicis, R., Toffner-Clausen, L., Trenchi, L., Olsen, P., Holmdahl, E., Stromme, A. Swarm Langmuir probes’ data quality validation and future improvements, GEOSCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTATION METHODS AND DATA SYSTEMS, 11, 1, 149, 162, doi:10.5194/gi-11-149-2022, 2022.

Dalin, P., Suzuki, H., Pertsev, N., Perminov, V., Shevchuk, N., Tsimerinov, E., Zalcik, M., Brausch, J., McEwan, T., McEachran, I., Connors, M., Schofield, I., Dubietis, A., Černis, K., Zadorozhny, A., Solodovnik, A., Lifatova, D., Grønne, J., Hansen, O., Andersen, H., Melnikov, D., Manevich, A., Gusev, N., Romejko, V.: The strong activity of noctilucent clouds at middle latitudes in 2020. POLAR SCIENCE, 100920, doi.org/10.1016/j.polar.2022.100920, 2022.

Dalin, P., Suzuki, H., Pertsev, N., Perminov, V., Efremov, D., Voelger, P ., Narayanan, V. L., Mann, I., Haggstrom, I., Zalcik, M., Ugolnikov, O., Hedin, J., Gumbel, J., Latteck, R., Baumgarten, G. Studies of noctilucent clouds from the stratosphere during the SONC balloon-borne experiment in 2021, JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS, 240, 105959, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2022.105959, 2022.

D’Amicis, R., Perrone, D., Velli, M., Sorriso-Valvo, L., Telloni, D., Bruno, R., De Marco, R. Investigating Alfvenic Turbulence in Fast and Slow Solar Wind Streams, UNIVERSE, 8, 7, 352, doi:10.3390/universe8070352, 2022.

Dimmock, A. P., Khotyaintsev, Y. V ., Lalti, A., Yordanova, E., Edberg, N. J. T., Steinvall, K., Graham, D. B., Hadid, L. Z., Allen, R. C., Vaivads, A., Maksimovic, M., Bale, S. D., Chust, T., Krasnoselskikh, V., Kretzschmar, M., Lorfevre, E., Plettemeier, D., Soucek, J., Steller, M., Stverak, S., Travnicek, P., Vecchio, A., Horbury, T. S., O’Brien, H., Evans, V., Angelini, V. Analysis of multiscale structures at the quasi-perpendicular Venus bow shock Results from Solar Orbiter’s first Venus flyby, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 660, A64, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202140954, 2022.

Dimmock, A. P., Yordanova, E., Graham, D. B., Khotyaintsev, Y. V., Blanco-Cano, X., KajdiC, P., Karlsson, T., Fedorov, A., Owen, C. J., Werner, E. A. L. E., Johlander, A., Mirror Mode Storms Observed by Solar Orbiter, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, 127, 11, e2022JA030754, doi:10.1029/2022JA030754, 2022.

Dreyer, J., Vigren, E., Johansson, F. L., Shebanits, O., Morooka, M., Wahlund, J.-E. , Perryman, R. S., & Waite, J. H., Identifying Shadowing Signatures of C Ring Ringlets and Plateaus in Cassini Data from Saturn’s Ionosphere, THE PLANETARY SCIENCE JOURNAL, 3, 168, doi:10.3847/PSJ/ac7790, 2022.

Dubart, M., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Osmane, A., Spanier, F., Suni, J., Johlander, A., Alho, M., Bussov, M., Cozzani, G., George, H., Grandin, M., Horaites, K., Papadakis, K., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Tarvus, V., Turc, L., Zaitsev, I., Zhou, H., Palmroth, M. Sub-grid modeling of pitch-angle diffusion for ion-scale waves in hybrid-Vlasov simulations with Cartesian velocity space, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 29, 10, 103902, doi:10.1063/5.0096361, 2022.

Edberg, N. J. T., Johansson, F. L., Eriksson, A., Vigren, E., Henri, P., De Keyser, J. Radial distribution of plasma at comet 67P Implications for cometary flyby missions, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 663, 42, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202243776, 2022.

Fraternale, F., Zhao, L., Pogorelov, N. V., Sorriso-Valvo, L. , Redfield, S., Zhang, M., Ghanbari, K., Florinski, V., & Chen, T. Y., Exploring turbulence from the Sun to the local interstellar medium: Current challenges and perspectives for future space missions, FRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES, 9, 1064098, doi:10.3389/fspas.2022.1064098, 2022.

Fukizawa, M., Sakanoi, T., Tanaka, Y., Ogawa, Y., Hosokawa, K., Gustavsson, B., Kauristie, K., Kozlovsky, A., Raita, T., Brändström, U., Sergienko, T. Reconstruction of precipitating electrons and three-dimensional structure of a pulsating auroral patch from monochromatic auroral images obtained from multiple observation points, ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE, 40, 4, 475, 484, doi:10.5194/angeo-40-475-2022, 2022.

Futaana, Y., Shimoyama, M., Wieser, M., Karlsson, S., Andersson, H., Nilsson, H., Wang , X-D., Fedorov, A., Andre, N., Holmström, M. and Barabash . Galactic Cosmic Rays at Mars and Venus: Temporal Variations from Hours to Decades Measured as the Background Signal of Onboard Micro-Channel Plates, THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, v. 940, 2, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2204.01377, 2022.

Galli, A., Vorburger, A., Carberry Mogan, S. R., Roussos, E., Stenberg, Wieser, G., Wurz, P., Foehn, M., Krupp, N., Fraenz, M., Barabash, S., Futaana, Y., Brandt, P. C., Kollmann, P., Haggerty, D. K., Jones, G. H., Johnson, R. E., Tucker, O. J., Simon, S., Tippens, T., Liuzzo, L., Callisto’s Atmosphere and Its Space Environment: Prospects for Particle Environment Package on Board JUICE, EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE, 9, 5, e2021EA002172, doi:10.1029/2021EA002172, 2022.

Gedalin, M., Golbraikh, E., Russell, C. T., Dimmock, A. P. Theory Helps Observations: Determination of the Shock Mach Number and Scales From Magnetic Measurements, FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS, 10, 852720, doi:10.3389/fphy.2022.852720, 2022.

George, H., Osmane, A., Kilpua, E. K. J., Lejosne, S., Turc, L., Grandin, M., Kalliokoski, M. M. H., Hoilijoki, S., Ganse, U., Alho, M., Battarbee, M., Bussov, M., Dubart, M., Johlander, A., Manglayev, T., Papadakis, K., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Suni, J., Tarvus, V., Zhou, H., Palmroth, M. Estimating Inner Magnetospheric Radial Diffusion Using a Hybrid-Vlasov Simulation, FRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES, 9, 866455, doi:10.3389/fspas.2022.866455, 2022.

Goetz, C., Behar, E., Beth, A., Bodewits, D., Bromley, S., Burch, J., Deca, J., Divin, A., Eriksson, A. I., Feldman, P. D., Galand, M., Gunell, H., Henri, P., Heritier, K., Jones, G. H., Mandt, K. E., Nilsson, H., Noonan, J. W., Odelstad, E., Parker, J. W., Rubin, M., Wedlund, C. S., Stephenson, P., Taylor, M. G. G. T., Vigren, E ., Vines, S. K., Volwerk, M., The Plasma Environment of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS, SN 0038-6308, EI 1572-9672, 218, 8, 65, doi:10.1007/s11214-022-00931-1, 2022.

Goetz, C., Behar, E., Beth, A., Bodewits, D., Bromley, S., Burch, J., Deca, J., Divin, A., Eriksson, A. I. , Feldman, P. D., Galand, M., Gunell, H., Henri, P., Heritier, K., Jones, G. H., Mandt, K. E., Nilsson, H., Noonan, J. W., Odelstad, E. , Parker, J. W., Rubin, M., Wedlund, C. S., Stephenson, P., Taylor, M. G. G. T., Vigren, E. , Vines, S. K., Volwerk, M., The Plasma Environment of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS, SN 0038-6308, EI 1572-9672, 218, 8, 65, doi:10.1007/s11214-022-00931-1, 2022.

Goldstein, R., Burch, J. L., Llera, K., Altwegg, K., Rubin, M., Eriksson, A., Nilsson, H. Observations of Modulation of Ion Flux in the Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, SO GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 49, 11, e2022GL098042, doi:10.1029/2022GL098042, 2022.

Graham, D. B., Khotyaintsev, Y. V., André, M., Vaivads, A., Divin, A., Drake, J. F., Norgren, C., Le Contel, O., Lindqvist, P. -A., Rager, A. C.,Gershman, D. J., Russell, C. T., Burch, J. L., Hwang, K. -J., Dokgo, K. Direct observations of anomalous resistivity and diffusion in collisionless plasma, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 13, 1, 2954, doi:10.1038/s41467-022-30561-8, 2022.

Gurchumelia, A., Sorriso-Valvo, L., Burgess, D., Yordanova, E. , Elbakidze, K., Kharshiladze, O., Kvaratskhelia, D. Comparing Quasi-Parallel and Quasi-Perpendicular Configuration in the Terrestrial Magnetosheath: Multifractal Analysis, FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS, 10, 903632, doi:10.3389/fphy.2022.903632, 2022.

Hadid, L. Z., Shebanits, O., Wahlund, J-E, Morooka, M. W., Nagy, A. F., Farrell, W. M., Holmberg, M. K. G., Modolo, R., Persoon, A. M., Tseng, W. L., Ye, S-Y. Ambipolar electrostatic field in negatively charged dusty plasma, JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS, 88, 2, 555880201, doi:10.1017/S0022377822000186, 2022.

Hasegawa, H., Denton, R. E., Nakamura, T. K. M., Genestreti, K. J., Phan, T. D., Nakamura, R., Hwang, K. -j., Ahmadi, N., Shi, Q. Q., Hesse, M., Burch, J. L., Webster, J. M., Torbert, R. B., Giles, B. L., Gershman, D. J., Russell, C. T., Strangeway, R. J., Wei, H. Y., Lindqvist, P. -A., Khotyaintsev, Y. V., Ergun, R. E., Saito, Y. Magnetic Field Annihilation in a Magnetotail Electron Diffusion Region With Electron-Scale Magnetic Island, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, 127, 7, e2022JA030408, doi:10.1029/2022JA030408, 2022.

He, J., Zhu, X., Luo, Q., Hou, C., Verscharen, D., Duan, D., Li, W., Zhao, J., Wang, T., Graham, D. B. , Zong, Q., & Yao, Z., Observations of Rapidly Growing Whistler Waves in Front of Space Plasma Shock due to Resonance Interaction between Fluctuating Electron Velocity Distributions and Electromagnetic Fields, THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 941, 147, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac9ea9, 2022.

Holmström, M., Estimating ion escape from unmagnetized planets, ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE, 40, 1, 83, 89, doi:10.5194/angeo-40-83-2022, 2022.

Hu, Z., Ji, K., Chen, J., Deng, Y., Su, J., Bai, X., Liu, S., Guo, J., Liu, J., Wintoft, P. Calibration scheme for space-borne full-disk vector magnetograph under the influence of orbiter velocity, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 666, A93, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202142920, 2022.

Iyemori, T., Aoyama, T., Yokoyama, Y. Global distribution of magnetic ripples and electron density fluctuations as observed by the Swarm satellites on the dayside and their relation to the rainfall estimated by the GSMaP, EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE, 74, 1, 38, doi:10.1186/s40623-022-01597-3, 2022

Iyemori, T., Yamada, A., Aoyama, T., Hozumi, K., Yokoyama, Y., Odagi, Y., Sano, Y., Pangsapa, V., Jarupongsakul, T., Saito, A., Iguchi, M. Amplitude enhancement of short period GPS-TEC oscillations over rainfall area, EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE, 74, 1, 45, doi:10.1186/s40623-022-01604-7, 2022.

Johansson, F. L., Vigren, E., Waite, J. H., Miller, K., Eriksson, A., Edberg, N. J. T., Dreyer, J. Implications from secondary emission from neutral impact on Cassini plasma and dust measurements, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 515, 2, 2340, 2350, doi:10.1093/mnras/stac1856, 2022.

Johlander, A., Battarbee, M., Turc, L., Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Grandin, M., Suni, J., Tarvus, V., Bussov, M., Zhou, H., Alho, M., Dubart, M., George, H., Papadakis, K., Palmroth, M. Quasi-Parallel Shock Reformation Seen by Magnetospheric Multiscale and Ion-Kinetic Simulations, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 49, 2, e2021GL096335, doi:10.1029/2021GL096335, 2022.

Karlsson, T., Trollvik, H., Raptis, S., Nilsson, H ., and Madanian, H.: Solar wind magnetic holes can cross the bow shock and enter the magnetosheath, ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE, 40, 687-699, doi:10.5194/angeo-40-687-2022, 2022.

Kastinen, D. From Meteors to Space Safety: Dynamical Models and Radar Measurements of Space Objects, Doctoral Thesis, Umeå University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Physics. IRF Scientific Report ISSN 0284-1703, 315, Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF), Kiruna, Sweden, 2022.

Kastinen, D., Kero, J. High-altitude meteors detected by the interferometric MU radar, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 517, 2, 3024, 3033, doi:10.1093/mnras/stac2791, 2022.

Kastinen, D., Kero, J. Radar analysis algorithm for determining meteor head echo parameter probability distributions, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 517, 3, 3974, 3992, doi:10.1093/mnras/stac2727, 2022.

Kastinen, D., Vierinen, J., Grydeland, T., and Kero, J., Using Radar Beam-Parks to Characterize the Kosmos-1408 Fragmentation Event, ACTA ASTRONAUTICA, 202, January, 341-359, doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2022.10.021, 2022.

Lalti, A., Khotyaintsev, Yu. V., Dimmock, A. P., Johlander, A., Graham, D. B., Olshevsky, V., A Database of MMS Bow Shock Crossings Compiled Using Machine Learning, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, 127, 8, e2022JA030454, doi:10.1029/2022JA030454, 2022.

Lalti, A., Khotyaintsev, Y. V., Graham, D. B., Vaivads, A., Steinvall, K., Russell, C. T. Whistler Waves in the Foot of Quasi-Perpendicular Supercritical Shocks, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, 127, 5, e2021JA029969, doi:10.1029/2021JA029969, 2022.

Lauster, B., Dörner, S., Enell, C.-F., Frieß, U., Gu, M., Puķīte, J., Raffalski, U. , and Wagner, T.: Occurrence of polar stratospheric clouds as derived from ground-based zenith DOAS observations using the colour index, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 22, 15925–15942, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-22-15925-2022, 2022.

Liu, C. M., Vaivads, A., Khotyaintsev, Y. V., Fu, H. S., Graham, D. B., Steinvall, K., Liu, Y. Y., Burch, J. L. Cross-scale Dynamics Driven by Plasma Jet Braking in Space, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 926, 2, 198, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac4979, 2022.

Lotekar, A. B., Vasko, I. Y., Phan, T., Bale, S. D., Bowen, T. A., Halekas, J., Artemyev, A., Khotyaintsev, Y. V., Mozer, F. S. Kinetic-scale Current Sheets in Near-Sun Solar Wind: Properties, Scale-dependent Features and Reconnection Onset, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 929, 1, 58, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac5bd9, 2022.

Mousis, O., Bouquet, A., Langevin, Y., André, N., Boithias, H., Durry, G., Faye, F., Hartogh, P., Helbert, J., Iess, L., Kempf, S., Masters, A., Postberg, F., Renard, J.-B., Vernazza, P., Vorburger, A., Wurz, P., Atkinson, D.H., Barabash, S. , Berthomier, M., Brucato, J., Cable, M., Carter, J., Cazaux, S., Coustenis, A., Danger, G., Dehant, V., Fornaro, T., Garnier, P., Gautier, T., Groussin, O., Hadid, L.Z., Ize, J.-C., Kolmasova, I., Lebreton, J.-P., Le Maistre, S., Lellouch, E., Lunine, J.I., Mandt, K.E., Martins, Z., Mimoun, D., Nenon, Q., Muñoz Caro, G. M., Rannou, P., Rauer, H., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Schneeberger, A., Simons, M., Stephan, K., Van Hoolst, T., Vaverka, J., Wieser, M. , Wörner, L., Moonraker: Enceladus Multiple Flyby Mission, THE PLANETARY SCIENCE JOURNAL, 3, Issue 12, doi:10.3847/PSJ/ac9c03, 2022.

Nilsson, H., Moeslinger, A., Williamson, H. N., Bergman, S., Gunell, H., Stenberg Wieser, G., Futaana, Y., Karlsson, T., Behar, E., Holmström, M. Upstream solar wind speed at comet 67P Reconstruction method, model comparison, and results, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 659, A18, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202142867, 2022.

Norgren, C., Graham, D. B., Argall, M. R., Steinvall, K., Hesse, M., Khotyaintsev, Y. V., Vaivads, A., Tenfjord, P., Gershman, D. J., Lindqvist, P. -A., Burch, J. L., Plaschke, F. Millisecond observations of nonlinear wave-electron interaction in electron phase space holes, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 29, 1, 012309, doi:10.1063/5.0073097, 2022.

Odelstad,E., Karlsson,T., Eriksson, A., Bergman,S., Stenberg Wieser,G . Ion-Ion Cross-Field Instability of Lower Hybrid Waves in the Inner Coma of Comet 67P, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, 127, 9, e2022JA030535 doi:10.1029/2022JA030535, 2022.

Orsini, S., Milillo, A., Lichtenegger, H., Varsani, A., Barabash , S., Livi, S., De Angelis, E., Laky, G., Nilsson , H., Phillips, M., Aronica, A., Kallio, E., Wurz, P., Alberti, T., Olivieri, A., Plainaki, C., Slavin, J., Dandouras, I., Raines, J., Benkhoff, J., Zender, J., Bertelier, J-J., Dosa, M., Ho, G., Killen, R., McKenna-Lawlor, S., Torkar, K., Vaisberg, O., Allegrini, F., Daglis, I., Dong, C., Escoubet, P., Fatemi, S., Fraenz, M., Ivanovski, S., Krupp, N., Lammer, H., Leblanc, F., Mangano, V., Mura, A., Rispoli, R., Sarantos, M., Smith, T., Wieser , M., Camozzi, F., Di Lellis, A., Fremuth, G., Giner, F., Gurnee, R., Hayes, J., Jeszenszky, H., Trantham, B., Balaz, J., Baumjohann, W., Cantatore, M., Delcourt, D., Delva, M., Desai, M., Fischer, H., Galli, A., Grande, M., Holmström , M., Horvath, I., Hsieh, K-C., Jarvinen, R., Johnson, R., Kazakov, A., Kecskemety, K., Kruger, H., Kurbisch, C., Leblanc, F., Leichtfried, M., Mangraviti, E., Massetti, S., Moissenko, D., Moroni, M., Noschese, R., Nuccilli, F., Paschalidis, N., Ryno, J., Seki, K., Shestakov, A., Shuvalov, S., Sordini, R., Stenbeck, F., Svensson , J., Szalai, S., Szego, K., Toublanc, D., Vertolli, N., Wallner, R. and Vorburger, A. Inner southern magnetosphere observation of Mercury via SERENA ion sensors in BepiColombo mission, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 13, 7390, doi:10.1038/s41467-022-34988-x, 2022.

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