Follow the geomagnetic development in real time! (NB! Absolute values are shown in the graphs. The data is not yet processed and may contain man-made signals. Real values in processed data (latest processed data 2025-01-31 23:59:59). Solar quiet curves shows the normal or quiet state for the magnetic field when not disturbed by solar storms. The development of quiet curves from 1978 can be seen here: Quiet curves 1978-).
Black version of this page (according to some "aurora hunters" white background makes it difficult to see images (blinds) on the page when out in the field)
K-index calculation algorithms:
IH = Ingemar Häggström method
FMI = Finnish Meteorological Institute method
Secondary (DMI)
Digital realtime data
Last hour gives you data for the last hour with times in hours and the three components (XYZ) in nT as preliminary deflections from the expected monthly mean. gives data in iaga format for the last hour in 1 minute resolution. Absolute values are presented based on absolute measurements made until 2025-03-02 13:50:21. gives ascii data for the last day in the format "yyyymmddhhmmss X Y Z" in nT as preliminary deflections from the expected monthly mean. gives ascii variometer data for the last day in the format "yyyymmddhhmmss X Y Z" in nT for the backup (eda) magnetometer. gives data in iaga format for the last day. Absolute values are presented based on absolute measurements made until 2025-03-02 13:50:21. gives data in iaga format for the last day. Absolute values are presented based on absolute measurements made until 2025-03-02 13:50:21.
Constructed by Ingemar Häggström. 5 May 1997
Responsible scientist: Masatoshi Yamauchi (masatoshi.yamauchi* Responsible for web pages: Mats Luspa (matsl*