Plasma processes at Comet

Plasma processes at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko IRF Uppsala contributes one of the instruments on board the Rosetta orbiter, a kind of weather station known as a Langmuir probe (LAP). Together with the other instruments in the Rosetta Plasma Consortium, we investigate the ionized component of the gas oozing out of the icy nucleus and how it…

Planetary Magnetospheres

Planetary Magnetospheres

Planetary Magnetospheres In the near-space environment of a planet with a sufficiently strong internally-generated magnetic field, a cavity will form as a consequence of this magnetic field separating plasmas of planetary origin from those of the surrounding solar wind. This cavity is the magnetosphere, and a boundary, called the magnetopause, marks its edge. IRF has…

Software developers (Ref:2.2.1-281/22)

The Institute of Space Physics is looking for two Software developers for research infrastructure in space physics. The Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) is seeking two software developers to help us build advanced software for studies of northern lights, and other phenomena in the polar atmosphere, as well as monitoring of space weather. As…

Software developer for auroral research (dnr: 2.2.1-73/21)

The Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) is looking for a person interested in developing advanced tools for analysing data from a unique scientific auroral imaging system. Job description ALIS_4D is a state-of-the-art ground-based optical system for the measurement of the aurora, high-altitude clouds, and other optical atmospheric signatures at high latitude. ALIS_4D is composed…

Allsky camera

Kiruna all-sky camera Click here to see the latest movie from Kiruna allsky camera Your browser does not support the video tag. About the all- sky camera The all-sky camera exposes one image per minute of the firmament to monitor auroral activity and other phenomenae. The circle thus corresponds to the firmament, from horison to…


Swarm The European Space Agency’s Swarm project consists of three identical satellites launched from Plesetsk in Russia on 22 November 2013. The hope is that Swarm will provide the best picture ever of the Earth’s magnetic field and how it changes over time and if there are unexpected disturbances in it. IRF in Uppsala contributes…

Chandrayaan-1 (SARA)

Chandrayaan-1 (SARA) On 22 October 2008 the Indian satellite, Chandrayaan-1, was launched from Srikharikota, India, to fly to the moon with a total of 12 instruments. One of these was SARA (Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyzer), developed and built by IRF in Kiruna. The SARA instrument studied how the plasma around the moon interacts with the…