Completed projects 2004

Completed projects 2004 Mathieu Lonjaret, Initial Results from the Rosetta LAP Instrument Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2004. Undergraduate thesis NV1, Student project work. Project plan Supervisor: Anders Eriksson Christian Maszl, The Curlometermethod and Cluster II Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2004. Undergraduate project, student project work Supervisor: Stephan…

Completed projects 2005

Completed projects 2005 Magnus Billvik, The first Rosetta Earth flyby Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2005. Project work (20 c) Project plan Supervisor: Anders Eriksson Robert Isaksson, A Photodiode in Space Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2005. Student project work (20 c) Supervisor: Jan-Erik Wahlund Sofie Spjuth, Search for…

Completed projects 2006

Completed projects 2006 Karin Ågren, Model Calculations of the Ionosphere of Titan during Eclipse Conditions Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2006. Project work (20 c) Supervisor:  Jan-Erik Wahlund Niklas Edberg, The Rosetta Mars Flyby Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2006. Project work (20 c) Supervisor:  Anders Eriksson Åsa Engström,…

Completed projects 2007

Completed projects 2007 Johan Falkenström, Statistics Of The Energy Transfer From The Solar Wind To The Magnetosphere Uppsala University, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, 2007. Student project (20 c) Project plan Supervisor: Lisa Rosenqvist Ram Prakash, Simulating the Cluster satellites in a cold plasma flow ”A numerical study of spacecraft wake formation” Swedish Institute of…

Completed projects 2008

Completed projects 2008 Mikael Lundberg, Dust-plasma interactions in the Saturnian E-ring Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, 2007. Project work (20 c) Article in Planetary and Space Science Supervisors: Jan-Erik Wahlund, Ronan Modolo

Completed projects 2009

Completed projects 2009 Madeleine Holmberg, Determination of Solar EUV Intensity and Ion Flux from Langmuir Probe Current Characteristics Uppsala University, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2009. Project work (30 c) Supervisors: Jan-Erik Wahlund and Michiko Morooka Kristoffer Hultgren, Rosetta LAP Operations at the Target Comet Luleå Technical University and Université Paul Sabatier/Toulouse III, 2009. Project…

Completed projects 2010

Completed projects 2010 Marco Chiaretta, Numerical modelling of Langmuir probe measurements in space Uppsala University, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2010. Project work (30 c) Supervisor: Anders Eriksson Christian Hånberg, Parametric modelling of Rosetta spacecraft potential measurements Uppsala University, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2010. Project work (30 c). Paper in the Proceedings of the…

Completed projects 2011

Completed projects 2011 Ilona Alexandersson, Far comet ion tails Uppsala University, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2011. Project work (30 c) Supervisor: Anders Eriksson Sara Lindgren, Themis EFI transfer function Uppsala University, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2011. Project work (30 c) Supervisor: Chris Cully Cecilia Norgren, Drift lower hybrid wave properties in space plasma…

Completed projects 2012

Completed projects 2012 Andreas Johlander, Photoemission on Rosetta Uppsala University, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2012. Project work (15 c), BSc thesis Supervisor: Anders Eriksson Omid Talaee, Electron temperature in Titan’s ionosphere Uppsala University, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2012. Project work (30 c). Master thesis. Supervisors: Jan-Erik Wahlund and Karin Ågren

Completed projects 2013

Completed projects 2013 Ilka Engelhardt, Plasma structures in the Enceladus plume Uppsala University, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, 2013. Project work (15 c)/Projektarbete (15 hp). Degree project (30 c)/Examensarbete (30 hp) Presentation at the European Planetary Science Contress, 8-13 Sep, London, UK Initial project report Supervisors: Jan-Erik Wahlund och Anders Eriksson, IRF in Uppsala….