Swedish ASPERA-3 on board Mars Express is healthy and beginning to produce its first exciting scientific results

Swedish ASPERA-3 on board Mars Express is healthy and beginning to produce its first exciting scientific results

On 2 June the European Space Agency’s spacecraft Mars Express was launched on a Soyuz-Fregat rocket from Baikonur in Kazakhstan. On board Mars Express is the Swedish instrument ASPERA-3, developed at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) in Kiruna in cooperation with 15 scientific groups from 10 countries. After a six-month journey Mars Express…


Completed projects 2024 High-performance test particle tracing code implementation Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna. Supervisor: Yoshifumi Futaana


Completed projects 2023 García Ribas, Alberto, WSA-ENLIL + Cone ensemble modeling of an Earth-directed ICME: Comparison with in-situ observations by Solar Orbiter and WIND at L1 Uppsala University, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala. Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master), 30 credits, oai:DiVA.org:uu-507011 Supervisor: Emiliya Yordanova Karan Pal, Solar Wind Heating Observed By Solar…


Project Summary FBURST is a project funded by ESA under the recent 4D ionosphere ITT that will advance the understanding of ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling using multi-spacecraft observations from past and present magnetospheric observatories. In this case, Swarm will be used in conjunction with Cluster and MMS to understand how bursty bulk flows (BBFs) couple to the…

Aurora Alert

Aurora Alert

What are the auroras? The auroras are a natural light display that occurs in the polar regions of the Earth. This spectacular phenomenon is the result of interactions between charged particles from the Sun and the Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere. Simplified it works like this: Solar wind: The Sun constantly releases charged particles, mostly…


SHARP (SHocks: structure, AcceleRation, dissiPation) The SHARP project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Running 3 years from January 1st, 2021 Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) collaborates with world-leading experts on collisionless shocks with the goal to achieve a breakthrough in our understanding of collisionless shocks across multiple plasma…

Plasma turbulence

Turbulence in plasmas Turbulent fluids are characterized by rapidly fluctuating fluid parameters, such as pressure, flow speed and density. Two examples of turbulence in fluids are: atmospheric turbulence, which may cause bumpy airplane rides and the water behind the stern of a moving boat. Plasma is a state of matter where ions and electrons have…

Projects on hold

On hold Below you find masters thesis and project works on hold.  Calibration system upgrade IRF’s calibration system is used to characterize, verify and finally calibrate ion mass spectrometers and energetic neutral particle instruments for application in space. A number of upgrades to the system are pending requiring installation and verification of new hardware into…

Completed projects 2003

Completed projects 2003 Erik Bergman, Parallel electric fields in space, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2003. Presentation Supervisor: Andris Vaivads Erik Engwall, Numerical Studies of Spacecraft-Plasma Interaction: Simulations of Wake Effects on the Cluster Electric Field Instrument EFW, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2003. Paper Supervisor: Anders Eriksson