Magnetic storms – a window to the past

Magnetic storms – a window to the past

Audrey Schillings recently defended her doctoral thesis about atmospheric loss from Earth and how it varies with solar wind conditions. Audrey was employed at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics and enrolled at Luleå University of Technology as a member of its Graduate School in Space Technology. In the thesis, Audrey Schillings shows how oxygen…

Geometry considerations for JUICE RPWI

Geometry considerations for the JUICE Langmuir probes Project work (30 c) Student: Pedro Cervantes Correa, Luleå Technical University Supervisor: Anders Eriksson Period: Spring/Autumn 2013 Background ESA, the European Space Agency, has decided to fly the JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) mission, with planned launch in 2022 and operations at Jupiter in 2030-2033. Among the instruments selected…

Photoemission and surface contamination on Rosetta

Photoemission and surface contamination on Rosetta Project work (15 c) Student: Ava Gramin, Uppsala University Supervisors: Fredrik Johansson, Elias Odelstad, Anders Eriksson Period: Winter 2016/2017 Background The ESA (European Space Agency) spacecraft Rosetta orbited comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasiminko for more than two years, 2014-2016. The Swedish Institute of Space Physics in Uppsala designed, built and operated one of…

Searching for Titan’s tail

Searching for Titan’s tail Student Project (15 c) Student: Joakim Kvarnström, Uppsala University Supervisor: Niklas Edberg Period: Spring 2018 Abstract We have used Cassini measurements of electron density from Saturn’s magnetosphere to search for a plasma tail behind the moon Titan. Such a plasma tail would consist of plasma that manage to escape Titan’s gravitational pull…

Publications 1997

Publications by IRF scientists 1997 Refereed Andersson, L., H. Nilsson, and J. -E. Wahlund, Meso scale structures in the cusp/cleft region, Phys. Chem. Earth, 22, 663-667, 1997. André, M., Waves and wave-particle interactions in the auroral region, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 59, 1687-1712, 1997. André, M., and A.W. Yau, Theories and observations of ion energization…

Publications 1998

Publications by IRF scientists 1998 Books Sandahl, I., Norrsken – Budbärare från rymden, Stockholm: Atlantis,1998. Refereed papers André, M., P. Norqvist, L. Andersson, L. Eliasson, A. I. Eriksson, L. Blomberg, R. E. Erlandson,and J. Waldemark, Ion energization mechanisms at 1700 km in the auroral region, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 4199-4222, 1998. Aso, T., M. Ejiri,…

Publications 1999

Publications by IRF scientists 1999 Books 1999 Thidé, B., Electromagnetic Field Theory, A textbook on advanced electrodynamics,, Uppsala, 1999. Carozzi, T., A. Eriksson, B. Lundborg, B. Thidé and M. Waldenvik, Electromagnetic Field Theory Exercises, An exercise book on advanced electrodynamics,, Uppsala, 1999. Refereed papers Amm, O., A. Pajunpää and U. Brändström, Spatial distribution…

Publications 2000

Publications by IRF scientists 2000 Refereed papers 2000 Amm, O., P. Janhunen, H. J. Opgenoorth, T. I. Pulkkinen, and A. Viljanen, Ionospheric shear flow situations observed by the MIRACLE network, and the concept of Harang discontinuity, AGU monograph on Magnetospheric Current Systems, Geophysical Monograph 118, 2000. Andersson, L., Acceleration processes in auroral region, Doctoral Thesis,…

Publications 2001

Publications by IRF scientists 2001 Refereed publications Amm, O., P. Janhunen, K. Kauristie, H. J. Opgenoorth, T. I. Pulkkinen, and A. Viljanen, Mesoscale ionospheric electrodynamics observed with the MIRACLE network: 1. Analysis of a pseudobreakup spiral, J. Geophys. Res.,106, A11, 24,675-24,690, 2001. André, M., R. Behlke, J.-E. Wahlund, A. Vaivads, A.-I. Eriksson, A. Tjulin, T….