Publications 2018

Publications by IRF scientists 2018 (and publications from earlier years not previously listed) Refereed publications Aikio, A. T., H. Vanhamaeki, A. B. Workayehu, I.I. Virtanen, K. Kauristie, L. Juusola, S. Buchert, D. Knudsen, Swarm Satellite and EISCAT Radar Observations of a Plasma Flow Channel in the Auroral Oval Near Magnetic Midnight, J. Geophys. Res. Space…

Online journals

Online journals Staff and students on site at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics in Kiruna have online access to full-text versions of the following journals: Advances in Polar Upper Atmosphere Research (1999-2006) Ambio (current year only) American Journal of Physics (1933- ) Annales Geophysicae (Open access) Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics (1996- ) Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences (1996-…


Welcome to the library at IRF The library at IRF in Kiruna is focused on space plasma physics and atmospheric physics. The library is open to IRF’s employees and may be used as a reference library by others on the Space Campus.  Catalogue The online catalogue can be accessed at: Books At present the library…

Magnetospeheric MultiScale – MMS

Magnetospeheric MultiScale – MMS  Magnetospheric MultiScale, MMS, is a NASA mission consisting of four satellites with identical instrumentation launched from the Kennedy Space Center in March 2015. The satellites use the Earth’s magnetosphere as a laboratory to study the microphysics of three basic plasma processes: magnetic reconecction, energetic particle acceleration and turbulence. Together with the…


BepiColombo BepiColombo is a joint mission to Mercury between the European Space Agency (ESA)  and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The mission is being carried out under European leadership and launched in October 2018.  The mission consists of two satellites: the European Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) and the Japanese Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). MPO…

Solar Orbiter

Solar Orbiter (RPW) Solar Orbiter is a European Space Agency (ESA) space mission to investigate the sun and solar wind up close with a spacecraft. IRF is building parts of the Radio and Plasma Waves instrument, RPW, which will measure electric fields. In order to follow the phenomena on the sun in detail and see…


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