Doctoral and Licentiate theses

Doctoral and Licentiate theses completed at IRF, 2000- Earlier theses completed at IRF (1962-1999) 2024 Ahmad Lalti, Electrostatic turbulence and electron heating in collisionless shocks, PhD thesis, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2024. ISBN: 978-91-513-2097-7 (print) 2023 Richard Louis, Energy Conversion and Particle Acceleration at Turbulent Plasma Jet Fronts, PhD thesis, Swedish Institute of Space…

Invoicing – e-invoice

This is how you invoice the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) According to a new law all purchases in the public sector in Sweden should be invoiced with an e-invoice. Note that PDF is not an approved format. There are several ways to create and send an e-invoice. Svefaktura Invoices are created in your…

Resources and infrastructure

Resources, infrastructure and at IRF in Kiruna IRF has an extensive research infrastructure with many advanced research environments. Here you will find information about our available resources in the form of lab and technical equipment to perform tests or simulations or to verify concepts. Here you also find information about IRF’s library, restaurant and auditorium.