IRF receives 32 million SEK from the Swedish National Space Agency

IRF receives 32 million SEK from the Swedish National Space Agency

The Swedish National Space Agency recently decided to grant research funding to a number of scientists and projects at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics, IRF. The total research grant is 32 million SEK.  Stas Barabash receives 10,499,000 SEK (2020-2021) for the project “Continuation of the IRF-Kiruna participation in the JUICE mission”. Yoshifumi Futaana receives…

Guest Scientist Position in Space Physics ( 2.2.1-19/20)

IRF’s Solar Terrestrial and Atmospheric Research programme (STAR) conducts research on the polar atmosphere, the near-Earth environment in space and the effects of the sun’s activity on both the Earth and its atmosphere. More information about STAR is available here: Tasks: The work focuses on analyses of optical and incoherent radar measurements of aurora…

PhD position at IRF in Uppsala

PhD position at IRF in Uppsala Advertised positions: Check the Vacancies page for currently advertised positions. The Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, is integrated with the Uppsala University Department of Physics and Astronomy. The institute in Uppsala has extensive research programs in space physics, with ample opportunities for PhD research projects, and several professors and senior scientists…

PhD positions at IRF in Kiruna

PhD positions at IRF in Kiruna Advertised positions: Check the Vacancies page for currently advertised positions. When there are no advertised positions: Please send in an application for an unspecified PhD position and we will contact you when a position suitable for your qualifications is open. Qualifications A 4-year university education in physics (or a…


Vacancies This page lists vacancies at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF). IRF has offices in Kiruna (head office), Umeå, Uppsala, and Lund. Welcome to apply for a job with us! Meet IRF’s employees About 100 people work at IRF. Click here to meet some of IRF’s employees Become a PhD student with us…

Northern lights

Northern lights (Aurora Borealis) Northern lights, mostly called aurora, are the fluttering lights that can be observed in the sky over the northernmost parts of the world. A similar light is located over the southernmost parts of the world; it is called southern lights. Together the northern- and southern lights are called polar lights. The…