PhD positions at IRF in Kiruna
Advertised positions: Check the Career page for currently advertised positions.
When there are no advertised positions, Please send in an application for an unspecified PhD position and we will contact you when a position suitable for your qualifications is open.
A 4-year university education in physics (or a closely related subject such as meteorology or geophysics), engineering physics or electronics is required. IRF is engaged in international projects so a good knowledge of English is required.
Applications should be sent to Swedish Institute of Space Physics, P. O. Box 812, SE-981 28 Kiruna, Sweden.
How do I apply for a PhD position at IRF in Kiruna?
There is no special application form. Your application should contain:
- A short letter telling us why you are interested in these positions.
- Your CV
- Copies of your diplomas and grades
- List of publications, if any
- Other relevant certificates and documents, for example regarding previous employment
There is no need to provide letters of recommendation, you might instead give the name and contact information of one or two references (people who know your capabilities).
If your time schedule does not agree with the presently advertised positions or there are no presently advertised positions, it is still possible to send an application for an unspecified PhD position. As soon as there is an opening, we will look through all applications in our files, and applicants with suitable qualifications will be notified and asked if they still wish to be considered and if they wish to send additional material.
Solar System Physics and Space Technology
Stas Barabash
Deputy Director General, Professor, Head of Programme
+46 70 217
Solar Terrestrial and Atmospheric Research
Johan Kero
Scientist, Head of Programme
+46 72 581