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Completed projects 2007

Johan Falkenström, Statistics Of The Energy Transfer From The Solar Wind To The Magnetosphere, Uppsala University, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, 2007.
Student project (20 c),
Project plan, Supervisor: Lisa Rosenqvist

Ram Prakash, Simulating the Cluster satellites in a cold plasma flow ”A numerical study of spacecraft wake formation”, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Technical University of Delft, 2007.
Student internship project.
Supervisor: Anders Eriksson

Malin Westerberg, The induced magnetospheric boundary at Titan, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, 2007.
Project work (20 c),
Supervisor: Ronan Modolo

Erik Winkler, Plasma Densities and Satellite Potentials – A Study of EUV Interaction with the Cluster Spacecraft, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2007.
Student project (20 c),
Conference proceedings paper, Supervisor: Anders Eriksson