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Completed projects 2006

Karin Ågren, Model Calculations of the Ionosphere of Titan during Eclipse Conditions, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2006.
Project work (20 c),
Supervisor: Jan-Erik Wahlund

Niklas Edberg, The Rosetta Mars Flyby, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2006.
Project work (20 c),
Supervisor: Anders Eriksson

Åsa Engström, Plasma flow along auroral arcs, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2006.
Project work (20 c),
Project plan Supervisor: Anita Kullen

Claes Weyde, Plasma parameters from the Rosetta LAP instrument, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2006.
Project work (20 c),
Supervisor: Anders Eriksson