Available projects – Solar system physics and space technology (Kiruna)
Instrument design optimization
(master thesis/project work)
IRF is currently developing a new instrument to measure fluxes of particles with positive and negative charge states. The instrument design is based on the Jovian plasma Dynamics and Composition analyzer (JDC). JDC is a part of the Particle Environment Package (PEP) and currently on its way to Jupiter.
The newly designed instrument will be capable of energy resolving particles with both positive and negative charge states in a hemispherical field of view. To achieve this an electrostatic entrance system and energy analyzer are used. Both subsystems and the detector measuring the incoming particles need optimization. For this optimization task we are looking for a student who will be performing ion optical simulations with SIMION®.
The goal of this project is to obtain an optimized design for the instrument and to optimize the already existing simulation code for simulations of the whole instrument.
The project duration is 3-6 months and will require a written project report or master thesis.
Contact person: Philipp Wittmann, Research Engineer
Published in April 2024.
Lunar Neutral Telescope design optimisation
(master thesis)
IRF will send the Lunar Neutral Telescope (LNT) instrument to the Moon orbit in 2026. Join our team and contribute to developing a flight instrument. The LNT is an Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) instrument onboard the Turkish Lunar Mission to investigate the interaction of space plasma with Lunar environment. The instrument has a capability to resolve the energy and mass of ENAs using an electrostatic energy analysis with a time-of-flight technique. The project is to perform a computer simulation of particle trajectories inside the instrument using SIMION® and to optimise the performance by modifying the design within existing constraints. Results will be directly reflected to the design of the flight instrument. The project duration is ~6 months in full time.
Contact person: Manabu Shimoyama, Scientist
Published in January 2024
Retarding potential analyzer design & prototype test
(master thesis/project work)
IRF offers an opportunity to work on the design and prototype testing of Retarding Potential Analyzer (RPA) for future planetary missions. The RPA, or referred to as Faraday cup, is an instrument used to measure the energy distribution of low-energy ions in the planetary ionosphere. The ion energy is discriminated by a potential applied to the retarding grid, while ions passing the grid are detected as a current. By sweeping the regarding voltage, one can obtain the current-voltage characteristics, from which the ion energy distribution as well as plasma parameters such as ion temperature, bulk ion speed and ion density is derived.
These are key parameters for understanding the ionosphere–thermosphere coupling in the upper atmosphere, where the momentum exchange between space and the atmosphere occurs. The SSPT/IRF group in Kiruna together with the RPF/IRF in Uppsala has been developing the RPA for future space missions as the demand to measure such low-energy ions are rapidly increasing. One of the potential applications is M-Matisse, which is one of three candidates for the ESA’s next medium-class science mission to study the solar wind interaction with Martian atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere.
Following the preliminary testing of the RPA prototype, we plan to perform a comprehensive test by changing various parameters such as ion beam conditions and a sensor configuration. Obtained data will be analysed to characterise a response of the sensor with help of computer simulations. Updating the current sensor design based on results from the data analysis is also within the scope of this project.
The project includes part of the following tasks:
- Prototype testing in a vacuum tank with ion beams
- Analysis of experiment data
- Computer simulation of particle ray tracing
- Design optimization of the prototype
- Assembly and testing of the updated prototype
Contact persons: Manabu Shimoyama, manabu@irf.se Yoshifumi Futaana, futaana@irf.se Stas Barabash, stas@irf.se
Published in January 2024
The Spatial structure of a comet magnetosphere
(master thesis)
Be part of a creative group of comet plasma scientists. Work with data from the dynamic target comet 67P, visited by the Rosetta spacecraft. Learn to interpret spacecraft data and visualise your results.
This project makes use of data from the European Space Agency mission Rosetta to comet 67P. We use primarily data from the ion spectrometer ICA built and developed at IRF in Kiruna.
Rosetta followed comet 67P for 2 years. Most of the time the spacecraft was almost sitting still while the comet environment changed around it. On some occasions Rosetta moved within the comet environment in a short time period.
The purpose of this master thesis project is to use such data to better understand the spatial structure of the comet magnetosphere. The ICA instrument measures density and velocity of different ion species. The task is to analyse this data and see how it changes with distance from the nucleus.
General description of tasks:
- Programming to process spacecraft data
- Programming to visualise data
- Interpretation of data
- Presentation of results
Specific tasks:
- Identify suitable Rosetta trajectories
- Find good ways to summarise and visualise the data
- Look for patterns in the data
- Compare with other data
- Basic knowledge of programming
- Interest in space physics
What you will learn:
- Programming for data analysis
- Visualising data
- Using data analysis tools
- Working with spacecraft data
- Presenting your results
- Get an introduction to cometary plasma physics
- Get an introduction to the research process
Contact person: Professor Hans Nilsson, hans.nilsson@irf.se
Published in October 2023.
Get the most out of ion spectrometer data – improve the mass resolution of data from comet 67P
(master thesis)
Be part of a creative group of comet plasma scientists. Work with data from the dynamic target comet 67P, visited by the Rosetta spacecraft. Learn to interpret spacecraft data and visualise your results.
This project makes use of data from the European Space Agency mission Rosetta to comet 67P. We use primarily data from the ion spectrometer ICA built and developed at IRF in Kiruna.
This is a project to squeeze more out of the ion spectrometer ICA. ICA measures the different ion species around comet 67P. So far we have been assuming that ions that originate from the comet nucleus are all water ions.
This is mostly true but not always. There are times when CO2 was the dominant gas flowing from the comet nucleus into space. In this project we will see when and where this is also true for the ions.
The work will use the raw instrument data to create a new processed data set with better ion mass resolution.
General description of tasks:
- Programming to process spacecraft data
- Programming to visualise data
- Interpret the data
- Present the results
Specific tasks:
- Programming to process spacecraft data
- Programming to visualise data
- Interpretation of data
- Presentation of results
- Basic knowledge of programming
- Interest in space physics
What you will learn:
- Programming for data analysis
- Visualising data
- Using data analysis tools
- Working with spacecraft data
- Presenting your results
- Get an introduction to cometary plasma physics
- Get an introduction to the research process
Contact person: Professor Hans Nilsson, hans.nilsson@irf.se
Published in October 2023.
Interpret unexpected and unexplained signals in ion data from comet 67P
(master thesis)
Be part of a creative group of comet plasma scientists. Work with data from the dynamic target comet 67P, visited by the Rosetta spacecraft. Learn to interpret spacecraft data and visualise your results.
This project makes use of data from the European Space Agency mission Rosetta to comet 67P. We use primarily data from the ion spectrometer ICA built and developed at IRF in Kiruna.
During the end of the Rosetta mission to comet 67P the spacecraft orbit took it close to the southern hemisphere of the comet nucleus. In the ICA ion spectrometer data we could see a number of features that looked different from anything else seen.
The purpose of this master thesis project is to classify one or more of the anomalous features observed and try to find an explanation. Cometary physics or instrument peculiarities? Probably a mixture of both.
General description of tasks:
- Programming to process spacecraft data
- Programming to visualise data
- Interpretation of data
- Presentation of results
Specific tasks:
- Characterise the unexplained signals in the comet ion data
- Classify the unexplained signals into different groups
- Look for patterns in the data
- Compare with other data
- Basic knowledge of programming
- Interest in space physics
What you will learn:
- Programming for data analysis
- Visualising data
- Using data analysis tools
- Working with spacecraft data
- Presenting your results
- Get an introduction to cometary plasma physics
- Get an introduction to the research process
Contact person: Professor Hans Nilsson, hans.nilsson@irf.se
Published in October 2023
Ion drift meter instrument design & prototype development
The ion drift meter is a space instrument that measures the 3-D ion drift velocity in the ionosphere. The working principle is straightforward: The ion currents coming through an aperture will be measured by multiply-segmented planer electrodes, the ratios of which provide the impinging direction of the bulk ion. With the help of spacecraft/rocket orbital motion, we can derive the ion bulk velocity.
The bulk ion drift velocity is a key parameter for understanding the ionosphere–thermosphere coupling in the upper atmosphere, where the momentum exchange between space and the atmosphere occurs.
The IRF/SSPT group will design, develop and implement IDM instruments for possible future missions, including terrestrial rocket missions and low-altitude spacecraft.
In addition to the Earth-based measurements, we aim to deploy Earth-like planetary ionospheres (e.g., Mars and Venus), outer planetary system, and interplanetary/interstellar probes. In this project, we will design an IDM instrument and develop a prototype.
The prototype will be tested and verified in a vacuum chamber. We also aim to operate the prototype in the real environment, possibly with a rocket experiment or small satellite (e.g., CubeSat).
The project includes a part of the following tasks:
- Theoretical performance assessment
- Performance analysis by computer simulation (possibly with GPU programming)
- Mechanical design
- Electrical design (incl. power system, frontend electronics, analog processing, etc.)
- Testing and verification in the lab
Contact persons: Yoshifumi Futaana, futaana@irf.se Manabu Shimoyama, manabu@irf.se Stas Barabash, stas@irf.se
Published in May 2022