IRF contributes with unique competence to undergraduate and postgraduate education in Sweden. Researchers and engineers from IRF contribute to space engineering courses in Kiruna and space physics courses in Uppsala.
IRF in Kiruna contributes to the undergraduate education at the Kiruna Space Campus in collaboration with the Division of Space Engineering at the Department of Computer Science, Systems and Space Engineering at Luleå University of Technology (LTU).
Among the various degrees LTU offers is a joint European Erasmus Mundus Master in space science and technology, Spacemaster.
IRF also contributes to the Graduate School of Space Technology, organised by Luleå University of Technology and with PhD students at IRF in Kiruna.
IRF contributes to summer and winter courses in, for example, manned space travel and arctic science (including space physics) that Umeå University arranges in Kiruna.
IRF Uppsala contributes to undergraduate and postgraduate studies in space physics through its close collaboration with the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Uppsala University (UU).
Scientists and engineers at IRF Uppsala contribute to the UU bachelor (BSc) and master (MSc) programmes.
BSc and MSc level courses
Scientists at IRF Uppsala regularly teaches on courses at UU:
Our PhD students often contribute also to other physics courses at UU.
Student projects
Bachelor and master students often do projects with us, usually final projects of 15 hp or 30 hp.
PhD studies
In Uppsala, IRF and Uppsala University cooperate in the PhD education in physics with specialization in space and plasma physics. UU is responsible for the PhD programme and the examination, but the research work of the PhD student usually is within IRF with one of the IRF scientists as principla supervisors. The PhD student is usually also employed by IRF.
Theses and shorter student projects
Do you want information on theses or shorter student projects at IRF?
- Solar Terrestrial and Atmospheric Research (Kiruna)
- Solar System Physics and Space Technology (Kiruna)
- Space Plasma Physics (Uppsala)
Do you want information on postgraduate studies at IRF?