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The library at IRF in Kiruna is focused on space plasma physics and atmospheric physics. The library is open to IRF’s employees and may be used as a reference library by others on the Space Campus.


The catalogue can be accessed online


At present the library has some 7 000 books registered in the library catalogue, the majority of them in the areas of space, physics and computing.


Some 200 journals are registered in the library catalogue. They cover the same subject areas as the books. For a list of the journals held by IRF’s library, with years covered and how long they are archived for, see Journal Holdings (PDF file, 28Kb).

Data reports

We have data reports from 30 countries.

Reports and off-prints

We archive reports and many off-prints of articles written by IRF’s scientists since 1957.

See also IRF’s publications page.

Who has access to the library?

  • IRF’s own scientists and other staff
  • EISCAT staff
  • Luleå University of Technology staff and students (reference only)