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Doctoral and Licentiate theses

Table of contents


Anja Möslinger, Physics at sub-ion-gyroradius scales near low-activity comets , PhD thesis, Kiruna: Umeå University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Physics and Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2024. Scientific report: 317. ISBN: 978-91-8070-511-0 (tryckt) ISBN: 978-91-8070-512-7 (digital)

Ahmad Lalti, Electrostatic turbulence and electron heating in collisionless shocks , PhD thesis, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2024. ISBN: 978-91-513-2097-7 (print)


Richard Louis, Energy Conversion and Particle Acceleration at Turbulent Plasma Jet Fronts , PhD thesis, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2023. ISBN: 978-91-513-1974-2 (print)

Zhang Qi, Ion escape from Mars , Kiruna: Umeå University and Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2023. Licentiate thesis

Jordi Boldú, Probing the Solar Wind Evolution with Kinetic Waves , Uppsala: Uppsala University and Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2023. Licentiate thesis

Joshua Dreyer, Diving Deep into Saturn’s Equatorial Ionosphere with Cassini: Insights from the Grand Finale , PhD thesis, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2023. ISBN: 978-91-513-1910-0 (print)


Daniel Kastinen, From Meteors to Space Safety: Dynamical Models and Radar Measurements of Space Objects , PhD thesis, Kiruna: Umeå University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Physics and Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2022. IRF Scientific Reports 315. ISBN: 978-91-7855-902-2 (tryckt) ISBN: 978-91-7855-903-9 (digital)

Katerina Stergiopoulou, The induced magnetospheres and magnetotails of Mars and Venus , PhD thesis, Uppsala: Uppsala University and Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2022.

Philipp Wittmann, The Jovian Plasma Dynamics and Composition Analyzer (JDC) for ESA’s JUICE mission , PhD thesis, Kiruna: Umeå University and Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2022. IRF Scientific Reports 314. ISBN: 978-91-7855-770-7 (digital) ISBN: 978-91-7855-769-1 (print)

Angèle Pontoni, Development and simulated observations of the Jovian Neutrals Analyzer , PhD thesis, Kiruna: Umeå University and Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2022. IRF Scientific Reports 313. ISBN: 978-91-7855-728-8 (print) ISBN: 978-91-7855-729-5 (digital)

Konrad Steinvall, Electrostatic plasma waves associated with collisionless magnetic reconnection: Spacecraft observations , PhD thesis, Uppsala: Uppsala University and Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2022.

Louis Richard, Energy Conversion and Particle Acceleration at Turbulent Plasma Jet Fronts , Uppsala: Uppsala University and Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2022. Licentiate thesis .

Ahmad Lalti, Electrostatic turbulence and electron heating in collisionless shocks , Uppsala: Uppsala University and Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2022. Licentiate thesis .


Bergman, S., Low-energy ions around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko , PhD thesis., Kiruna: Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2021 (IRF Scientific Reports: 312), (Umeå University). ISBN: 978-91-7855-635-9.


Fredrik Leffe Johansson, Rosetta Observations of Plasma and Dust at Comet 67P , PhD thesis., Uppsala: Uppsala University and Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2020.

Katerina Stergiopoulou, Two-spacecraft studies of the plasma environment of Mars , Uppsala: Uppsala University and Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2020. Licentiate thesis .

Sofia Bergman, The effect of spacecraft charging on low-energy ion measurements around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko , Kiruna: Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2020 (IRF Scientific Reports; 310), (Umeå University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Physics). ISBN 978-91-7855-192-7. Licentiate thesis .

Moa Persson, Escape to space or return to Venus: ion flows measured by Venus Express , Kiruna: Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2020 (IRF Scientific Reports; 311), (Umeå: Umeå University). ISBN 978-91-7855-378-5.


Fredrik Johansson, Observations of plasma and dust around comet 67P by Rosetta, Uppsala: Uppsala University and Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2019. Licentiate thesis .

Andreas Johlander, Ion dynamics and structure of collisionless shocks in space , Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2019 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 1750). ISBN 978-91-513-0519-6.

Audrey Schillings, How does O+ outflow vary with solar wind conditions? Kiruna: Luleå University of Technology, 2019. ISBN: 978-91-7790-465-6.

Konrad Steinvall, Multi- spacecraft Studies of Electron Holes in Space Plasmas, Uppsala: Uppsala University and Swedish Institute of Space Physics, 2019. Licentiate thesis.


Elin Eriksson, Electron energization in near-Earth space: Studies of kinetic scales using multi-spacecraft data , Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2018 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 1719). ISBN 978-91-513-0437-3.

Etienne Behar, Solar Wind Dynamics within The Atmosphere of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko , Luleå: Luleå University of Technology, 2018. ISBN 978-91-7790-156-3.

Audrey Schillings, O+ outflow during geomagnetic storms observed by Cluster satellites , Luleå: Luleå University of Technology, 2018. ISBN 978-91-7790-138-9. Licentiate thesis.

Elias Odelstad, Plasma environment of an intermediately active comet: Evolution and dynamics observed by ESA’s Rosetta spacecraft at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko , Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2018 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 1694). ISBN 978-91-513-0386-4.

Ilka A. D. Engelhardt, Plasma and Dust around Icy Moon Enceladus and Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko , Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2018 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 1673). ISBN 978-91-513-0346-8.


Robin Ramstad, Ion escape from Mars: measurements in the present to understand the past , Kiruna, 2017 (IRF Scientific Reports; 309). ISBN 978-91-982951-3-9.

Oleg Shebanits, Titan’s ionosphere and dust – as seen by a space weather station , Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2017 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 1562). ISBN 978-91-513-0076-4.Cecilia Norgren, Electron-scale physics in space plasma: Thin boundaries and magnetic reconnection , Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2016 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 1453). ISBN 978-91-554-9755-2. [PhD defence 2017]


Joan Stude, Advanced Plasma Analyzer for Measurements in the Magnetosphere of Jupiter , Kiruna, 2016 (IRF Scientific Reports; 308). ISBN 978-91-982951-2-2.

Jesper Lindkvist, Plasma Interactions with Icy Bodies in the Solar System , Kiruna, 2016 (IRF Scientific Reports; 307). ISBN 978-91-982951-1-5.

Andreas Johlander, Ion dynamics and structure of collisionless shocks , Uppsala, 2016 (Uppsala University). Licentiate thesis.

Elias Odelstad, Rosetta spacecraft potential and activity evolution of comet 67P , Uppsala, 2016 (Uppsala University). Licentiate thesis.

Elin Eriksson, 3D Magnetic Nulls and Regions of Strong Current in the Earth’s Magnetosphere , Uppsala, 2016 (Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis). Licentiate thesis.

Ilka. A. D. Engelhardt, Plasma and Dust at Saturn’s Icy Moon Enceladus and Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko , Uppsala, 2016 (Uppsala University). Licentiate thesis.


Mika Holmberg, A Study of the Structure and Dynamics of Saturn’s Inner Plasma Disk , Uppsala, 2015 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 1298). ISBN 978-91-554-9353-0.

Charles Lue, Solar Wind Proton Interactions with Lunar Magnetic Anomalies and Regolith , Kiruna, 2015 (IRF Scientific Reports; 306). ISBN 978-91-982951-0-8.

Oleg Shebanits, Pre-biotic molecules and dynamics in the ionosphere of Titan , Uppsala, 2015 (Uppsala University). Licentiate thesis.


Cecilia Norgren, Lower hybrid drift waves and electron holes in the Earth’s magnetosphere , Uppsala, 2014 (Uppsala University). Licentiate thesis.

Shahab Fatemi, Kinetic Modeling of the Solar Wind Plasma Interaction with the Moon , Kiruna, 2014 (Luleå University of Technology). ISBN 978-91-7439-903-5 (pdf).


Henrik Viberg, Generation of Electromagnetic Emissions at Magnetic Reconnection Sites , Uppsala, 2013 (Uppsala University). Licentiate thesis.

Katarina Axelsson, Studies of auroral processes using optical methods , Kiruna, 2013 (Luleå University of Technology). ISBN 978-91-7439-741-3 (pdf).

Rikard Slapak, O+ Heating, Outflow and Escape in the High Altitude Cusp and Mantle , Kiruna, 2013 (Luleå University of Technology). ISBN 978-91-7439-575-4 (pdf).

Maria Mihalikova, Mesoscale Processes in the Polar Atmosphere: Radar Remote Sensing, Balloon-Borne in Situ Measurements and Modelling , Kiruna, 2013 (Luleå University of Technology). ISBN 978-91-7439-550-1.


Catherine Diéval, Solar wind ions inside the induced magnetosphere of Mars , Kiruna, 2012 (Luleå University of Technology). ISBN 978-91-7439-525-9.

Karin Ågren, On the Formation and Structure of the Ionosphere of Titan , Uppsala, 2012 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 926). ISBN 978-91-554-8344-9.


Shahab Fatemi, Modeling the lunar plasma wake , Luleå, 2011 (Luleå University of Technology). ISBN 978-91-7439-358-3. Licentiate thesis.

Rikard Slapak, O⁺ heating in the high altitude cusp and mantle due to wave-particle interaction , Luleå, 2011 (Luleå University of Technology). ISBN 978-91-7439-322-4. Licentiate thesis.

Catherine Diéval, The solar wind protons inside the induced magnetosphere of Mars , Luleå, 2011 (Luleå University of Technology). ISBN 978-91-7439-337-8. Licentiate thesis.

Erik Nordblad, Opening New Radio Windows and Bending Twisted Beams , Uppsala, 2011 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 854). ISBN 978-91-554-8160-5.

Maria Smirnova, Long-term observations of polar mesosphere summer echoes using the ESRAD MST radar , Kiruna, 2011 (Luleå University of Technology). ISBN 978-91-7439-321-7.

Martin Waara, High Altitude Ion Heating Observed by the Cluster Spacecraft , Kiruna, 2011 (IRF Scientific Reports; 302). ISBN 978-91-977255-8-3.

Jonas Ekeberg, Solitary Waves and Enhanced Incoherent Scatter Ion Lines , Kiruna, 2011 (IRF Scientific Reports; 301). ISBN 978-91-977255-7-6.


Tony Giang, Low-energy ion outflow from the sub-auroral region , Umeå, 2010 (IRF Scientific Reports; 300). ISBN 978-91-977255-6-9. Licentiate thesis.


Erik Engwall, Low-Energy Ion Escape from the Terrestrial Polar Regions , Uppsala, 2009 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 640). ISBN 978-91-554-7512-3.

Lars Daldorff, Numerical Simulation as a Tool for Studying Waves and Radiation in Space , Uppsala, 2008 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 488). ISBN 978-91-554-7384-6. [Degree awarded 2009]

Tomas Lindstedt, Magnetic reconnection and separatrix regions , Uppsala, 2009 (Uppsala University). Licentiate thesis.


Lars Norin, Secondary Electromagnetic Radiation Generated by HF Pumping of the Ionosphere , Uppsala, 2008 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 576). ISBN 978-91-554-7344-0.

Magnus Wik, The Sun, Space Weather and Effects , Lund, 2008 (IRF Scientific Reports; 296). ISBN 978-91-628-7519-0.

Alla Belova, Studies of planetary waves in ozone and temperature fields as observed by the Odin satellite in 2002-2007 , Kiruna, 2008 (IRF Scientific Reports; 298). ISBN 978-91-7264-613-1.

Andreas Ekenbäck, Numerical modeling of ENAs from stellar wind interactions , Kiruna, 2008 (IRF Scientific Reports; 297). ISBN 978-91-977255-5-2.

Csilla Szasz, Radio meteors above the Arctic Circle: radiants, orbits and estimated magnitudes , Kiruna, 2008 (IRF Scientific Reports; 294). ISBN 978-91-977255-2-1.

Johan Kero, High resolution meteor exploration with tristatic radar methods , Kiruna, 2008 (IRF Scientific Reports; 293). ISBN 978-91-977255-3-8.

Lisa Rosenqvist, Energy Transfer and Conversion in the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System , Uppsala, 2008 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 430). ISBN 978-91-554-7192-7.

Ella Carlsson, Mars: plasma environment and surface hydrology , Luleå, 2008 (ISSN 1402-1544 / ISRN LTU-DT–08/02–SE / NR 2008:02).


Alexander Grigoriev, The Neutral Particle Detector on the Mars and Venus Express Missions , Kiruna, 2007 (IRF Scientific Reports; 290). ISBN 978-91-7264-349-9. Press release (in Swedish).

Alessandro Retinò, Magnetic Reconnection in Space Plasmas: Cluster Spacecraft Observations , Uppsala, 2007 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 310). ISBN 978-91-554-6898-9.


Mykola Khotyaintsev, Radar Probing of the Sun , Uppsala, 2006 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 231). ISBN 91-554-6681-8.

Ella Carlsson, MARS: Environment, Surface and Exploration Ethics , Kiruna, 2006 (Luleå University of Technology; 2006:48). ISSN 1402-1757 / ISRN LTU-LIC — 06/48 — SE. Licentiate thesis.


Rico Behlke, Dissipation at the Earth’s Quasi-Parallel Bow Shock , Uppsala, 2005 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 116). ISBN 91-554-6391-6.

Klas Brinkfeldt, Instrumentation for Energetic Neutral Atom Measurements at Mars, Venus, and the Earth, Kiruna, 2005 (IRF Scientific Report; 288). ISBN 91-7305-993-5. Press release (in Swedish), thesis (PDF file, 25 MB)

David Sundkvist, Space Plasma Dynamics: Instabilities, Coherent Vortices and Covariant Parametrization , Uppsala, 2005 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 113). ISBN 91-554-6386-X.

Sachiko Arvelius, Energization and Acceleration of Dayside Polar Outflowing Oxygen, Kiruna, 2005 (IRF Scientific Report; 287). ISBN 91-7305-963-3. Press release (in Swedish), thesis (PDF file, 1 MB).

Johan Arvelius, Calibration and quality assessment of DESCARTES—grabsampler for stratospheric tracers, Kiruna, 2005 (IRF Scientific Report; 286). ISBN 91-7305-945-5. Press release (in Swedish), thesis (PDF file, 2.8 MB).

Grigory Nikulin, Impact of Rossby waves on ozone distribution and dynamics of the stratosphere and troposphere, Kiruna, 2005 (IRF Scientific Report; 285). ISBN 91-7305-946-3. Press release (in Swedish), thesis (PDF file, 4.9 MB).

Roger Karlsson, Theory and Applications of Tri-Axial Electromagnetic Field Measurements , Uppsala, 2005 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 88). ISBN: 91-554-6327-4. Press release (in Swedish).

Marie Backrud, Cluster Observations and Theoretical Explanations of Broadband Waves in the Auroral Region , Uppsala, 2005 (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 55). ISBN: 91-554-6258-8.


Jan-Ove Hall, Interaction between Electromagnetic Waves and Localized Plasma Oscillations , Uppsala, 2004 (Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 985). ISBN 91-554-5982-X.

Victoria Barabash, Investigation of Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes in Northern Scandinavia, Kiruna, 2004 (IRF Scientific Report; 283). ISBN 91-7305-563-8. Abstract , press release (in Swedish), thesis (PDF file, 1.1 MB).


Anders Tjulin, Waves in Space Plasmas: Lower Hybrid Cavities and Simple-Pole Distribution Functions , Uppsala, 2003 (Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 869). ISBN 91-554-5696-0. Press release (in Swedish).

Fredrik Boberg, Space Weather – Solar magnetic variation and its impact on Earth’s atmosphere , Lund, 2003 (Lund Observatory, Lund University). ISBN 91-628-5664-2.

Eva Borälv, Substorm Features in the High-Latitude Ionosphere and Magnetosphere: Multi-Instrument Observations , Uppsala, 2003 (Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 860), ISBN 91-554-5670-7. Press release (in Swedish).

Urban Brändström, The Auroral Large Imaging System – Design, Operation and Scientific Results , Kiruna, 2003 (IRF Scientific Report; 279). ISBN 91-7305-405-4. Press release (in Swedish).

Yuri Khotyaintsev, Alfvén Waves and Energy Transformation in Space Plasmas , Uppsala, 2002 (Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 793). ISBN 91-554-5505-0.


Bengt Eliasson, Numerical Vlasov-Maxwell Modelling of Space Plasma , Uppsala, 2002 (Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 758). ISBN 91-554-5427-5. Press release (in Swedish).

Carl-Fredrik Enell, Optical studies of polar stratospheric clouds and related phenomena, Kiruna, 2002 (IRF Scientific Report; 278). ISBN 91-7305-307-4. Press release (in Swedish). Thesis (PDF file, 5.8 MB)

Frédéric Pitout, The Polar Cusp and its Ionospheric footprint: Dynamics and Transients , Uppsala, 2002 (Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 778). ISBN 91-554-5472-0.

Mikael Hedin, Advanced applications of the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar for multi-beam and electron line studies, IRF Scientific Report 277, June 2002. Thesis (PDF file). Licentiate thesis.


Solveig Høymork, Lower Hybrid Cavities and Other Plasma Phenomena in the Subauroral Region, Kiruna, 2001 (IRF Scientific Report; 276). ISBN 91-7191-996-1. Press release (also in Swedish ) Thesis (PDF file, 2.1 MB)

Rico Behlke, Solar radio bursts and low frequency radio emissions from space, IRF Scientific Report 275, 2001. Thesis (PDF file). Licentiate thesis.


Laila Andersson, Acceleration processes in auroral region, Kiruna, 2000 (IRF Scientific Report; 270). ISBN 91-7191-914-7. Press release (in Swedish).

Jan Bergman, Dispersive and polarimetric properties of waves in space plasma , Uppsala, 2000 (Department of Astronomy and Space Physics, Uppsala University). ISBN 91-506-1429-0.

Tobia Carozzi, Radio waves in the ionosphere: propagation, generation and detection , Uppsala, 2000 (IRF Scientific Report; 272). ISBN 99-3364278-2.

Hans Gleisner, Solar Wind and Geomagnetic Activity – Predictions Using Neural Networks , Lund, 2000 (Lund Observatory, Lund University). ISBN 91-7874-054-1.

Björn Gustavsson, Three dimensional imaging of aurora and airglow , Kiruna, 2000 (IRF Scientific Report; 267). ISBN 91-7191-878-7.

Jan Bergman, A relativistic approach to wave dispersion in Vlasov plasma, IRF Scientific Report 269, September 2000. Licentiate thesis.