Aurora over Kiruna?
IRF Aurora Alert is IRF’s aurora application that enables the public and tourists to receive notifications on their mobile phones when there are aurora over Kiruna and its surrounding area. The notifications are delivered in real time and indicate that it is time to head out to experience the sky phenomenon.
The application, which will continue to be developed, is available for iPhone (on the App Store) and Android (on Google Play).
All-sky camera at IRF head office
At IRF’s head office, located in the Space campus just outside the new Kiruna center, there is an aurora camera (all-sky camera) that takes pictures of the entire sky in real-time. Until the launch of IRF Aurora Alert in January 2024, the aurora has only been available to the public on IRF’s website.
IRF’s all-sky camera takes one image of the firmament per minute and the circle corresponds to the entire firmament from horizon to horizon.
Main page for IRF all-sky camera