Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) is a governmental research institute that conducts research and postgraduate education in space physics, atmospheric physics, and space technology. Many of IRF’s projects are run as large international projects in collaboration with other research institutes and space agencies. IRF has about one hundred employees and has offices in Kiruna (headquarters), Umeå, Uppsala, and Lund. For more information about IRF: www.irf.se

PhD student in Space Physics (dnr: 2.2.1-106/25)
We are seeking a highly motivated individual to join the Space Plasma Physics research program as a PhD student in space physics. The position is based at the Uppsala office of the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF), located at Ångström Laboratory in Uppsala, Sweden. The successful candidate will work in a world-class international research environment with excellent opportunities for collaboration and scientific exchange.
The PhD project will investigate space plasma processes using data from one or several of our space missions. The research will involve the analysis of in-situ plasma and field measurements, complemented by theoretical modeling and numerical simulations. The aim is to improve our understanding of fundamental plasma phenomena in the solar system and beyond.
Our team specializes in observations, data analysis, and modeling of space plasma processes (IRF Space Plasma Physics). The group has decades of experience developing and operating instruments for spacecraft missions to measure electric fields, plasma temperature, density, and density fluctuations. These missions include BepiColombo, MMS, Solar Orbiter, Swarm, Cassini, Cluster, Rosetta, JUICE, and Comet Interceptor.
The selected candidate will be enrolled in the PhD program in physics with a specialization in space and plasma physics at Uppsala University and must fulfill the university's admission requirements (Uppsala University Doctoral Studies). More information on research education is available at the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Faculty of Science and Technology.
What we can offer you
The position is fully funded for a total duration of four years. The start date is flexible but should be no later than the second half of 2025.
Equality, equal conditions, and diversity are fundamental principles in our workplace, and we work in an equality-integrated way, which means that we consider equality and inclusivity aspects in our daily work and in all decision-making forums.
The application should include a CV, a personal letter (maximum one page) describing research interests and relevant experience, copies of academic transcripts, completed theses or manuscripts and other relevant publications, and contact information for two professional references.