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Collisionless shock meeting 26-27 January 2023

Table of contents

Welcome to the collisionless shock meeting held in IRF Uppsala on 26-27 January. This meeting was organised in relation to our participation in the EU H2020 project SHARP . The meeting is hybrid with in-person as well as online participation.

Copyright: ESA; Insets: J.P. Harrington and K.J. Borkowski (University of Maryland), and NASA; NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA); NASA, ESA, and R. Kirshner (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics); NASA/ESA, C.R. O’Dell (Rice University)

Location within IRF : house 8, floor 3, room 83113

Online link: the hybrid link has been sent by email to the registered participants

Meeting programme

Download the pdf version of the programme here: IRF_shock_meeting.pdf

Thursday 26 January 2023

10:00 Andrew P. Dimmock (IRF Uppsala), welcome and opening of the meeting

Session 1: 1000-1130 (Chair: Yuri Khotyaintsev)

  • Domenico Trotta (Imperial College London), Particle acceleration and transient structures at interplanetary shocks
  • Andrew P. Dimmock (IRF), Ion reflection at quasi-perpendicular shocks observed by Solar Orbiter
  • Rami Vainio (University of Turku), Quasilinear modelling of interplanetary shock acceleration
  • Diana Morosan (University of Helsinki), The escape and propagation of shock-accelerated electron beams during a coronal mass ejection

1130-1300 Lunch break

Session 2: Astrophysical shocks 1300-1430 (Chair: Ahmad Lalti)

  • Jacco Vink (University of Amsterdam), Collisionless shock phenomena in astrophysical shocks
  • Arief Ahmad (Uppsala University), Pulsations of, and the shocks surrounding, asymptotic giant branch stars
  • Dmitry Prokhorov (University of Amsterdam), Magnetic-field topology on sub-parsec scales in Tycho’s SNR
  • 1430-1500 Coffee & discussion *

Session 3: Foreshock/sheath plasma regions 1500-1700 (Chair: Andrew Dimmock)

  • Ida Svenningsson (IRF), Classifying the magnetosheath using local measurements from MMS
  • Savvas Raptis , Downstream high-speed plasma jet generation as a direct consequence of shock reformation
  • Daniel Graham (IRF), Plasma frequency waves in Earth’s electron foreshock
  • Emiliya Yordanova (IRF), Physics of sheath plasma regions

18:30 Dinner at Peppar Peppar

The dinner will be at Peppar Peppar ( ), which is a 4 min walk (300m) from Uppsala train station (Address: Suttungs gränd 3, 753 19 Uppsala, Tel: 018 – 13 13 60). The reservation is for 18:30. Those who indicated they will attend the dinner should have received a pre-order form. If not, please get in touch.

Friday 27 January 2023

Session 4: Planetary bow shocks 0930-1200 (Chair: Daniel Graham)

  • Tomas Karlsson (KTH), Short large-amplitude magnetic structures (SLAMS) upstream of Mercury’s bow shock
  • Andreas Johlander (FOI), Electron heating scales at quasi-perpendicular shocks
  • Yuri Khotyaintsev (IRF), Statistical study of shock rippling
  • 1030 -1100 Coffee and discussion*
  • Martin Lindberg (KTH), MMS observation of Two-step electron acceleration at Earth’s bow shock
  • Ahmad Lalti (IRF), SHARP terrestrial shock database and validation
  • Max van de Kamp (FMI), SHARP non-terrestrial shock database

Lunch and close of the meeting

Other details

Getting to Uppsala from Arlanda

By Taxi:

You can take a taxi directly from Arlanda airport to Uppsala or IRF; the cost is usually ~700 SEK. Before accepting a taxi ride it is important to always request a fixed price.

You can also pre-book and provide the flight number so they will adjust the pickup for any flight delays. The following companies can be used to pre-book taxis.

By Train:

SL’s commuter trains to Stockholm and Uppsala stop at Arlanda Central Station, located in SkyCity between terminals 4 and 5.

You can buy tickets for the commuter train from SL’s and UL’s ordinary sales points, at the information desk in the arrival hall in terminal 5 and at Arlanda Central Station.

By Bus:

You can also take bus number 801 from Arlanda to Uppsala, and it will cost you approximately SEK 100. Tickets can be purchased at the Arlanda Visitor Centre located in Terminal 5, or at information desks in Terminal 2 and Terminal 4. Alternatively, tickets can be purchased on board (please note that only card payment is accepted on board). The bus runs regularly during night time as well. For more information, please visit UL:s website.

Getting to IRF from Uppsala

From Uppsala by bus: you can take bus 4 from Uppsala train station to Regementsvägen, which takes around 15 minutes. Check the UL website for times and also Google Maps.

From Uppsala on foot: You can walk to IRF from downtown Uppsala in around 30 minutes (2.7 km from the train station).

Location of the meeting

The meeting will be inside IRF, which is located at the Ångström laboratory (Ångströmlaboratoriet) in Uppsala. The meeting location is house 8 on floor 3 room 83113. When you arrive at the entrance to IRF (corridor to house 8 on floor 3), please ring the doorbell and someone will let you in.

Hotel options

Contact person:

Andrew P. Dimmock

+46 (0)18-471 59 23